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Industrial Bioprocesses
BIOBREYER is a biotechnology company whose main field of activity is the development of industrial bioprocesses. Always focusing on technological innovation, sustainability and process and product quality.

The company's initial project aims to develop a new generation of the biopharmaceutical Asparaginase, the main chemotherapeutic used in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In this project, the company has already received support from FAPESP in the PIPE project phase 1 (2017/08591-9), in which it developed a process of involving Asparaginase with a nanostructure, providing a molecule with less adverse effects (less induction of the immune system and longer half-life in the bloodstream). In PIPE phase 2 (2021/13411-5), we developed the scale-up of the production process of this biopharmaceutical and realization of exploratory pre-clinical tests. We currently have funding from CNPq (Process 424164/2021-3) for this project.

Hyaluronic acid
We are the only producers of Hyaluronic Acid from genetically modified yeast in the world. Our technology is sustainable, vegan, cruelty-free and without biosafety risks as we use a yeast naturally found in food. This project is supported by FAPESP and Sebrae (2021/11988-3 and 2021/14956-5).

One of the fuels that drives BIOBREYER is sustainability. We believe that the future of the planet lies in improving our processes. Thinking about our future as a society, we have developed several microbiological solutions for agriculture. We have a bank of more than 100 bacteria with high agronomic efficiency, from which we have already developed several products for agriculture, such as inoculants, biofungicides and bioinsecticides. In addition, we provide consultancy for the assembly of your biofactory from the layout of the plant, purchase of equipment, selection of raw material suppliers and development of products and formulas.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company was involved in the production of molecular biology enzymes and the development of a COVID-19 diagnostic kit using RT-LAMP technology. The project was developed with the support of FINEP (Project Reference nº 0584/20) and we currently sell the LAMP kit (BioLAMP) for several applications.
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